Monday, February 24, 2014

The Botanical Garden

We went to Copenhagen to go and see the Botanical Garden and shop.

In the Botanical garden, we saw a huge amount of plants from around the world. There were around 4 large greenhouses and a HUGE greenhouse with a few rooms inside. I was so impressed!

The Botanical Garden is part of the Natural History Museum of Denmark at the University of Copenhagen. The garden contains the largest collection of living plants and also holds three gene banks. The garden is affiliated to the largest Danish herbaria collections with plants and fungi, and is furthermore linked to the central library for botanical literature in Denmark, Botanisk Centralbibliotek.The purpose of the Botanical Garden is to add to our knowledge and understanding of the diversity of the vegetable and fungi kingdom, and through that advance the knowledge of plants and fungi and their conservation. Another purpose of the garden is to strengthen the interest in national and global nature values.

Pictures from the Botanical Garden here.

1 comment:

  1. That looks like a fabulous garden! What impressive greenhouses, too. Wish we could have been there with you.
