Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! I hope that you will have a spooky and fun-filled Halloween!


Monday, October 28, 2013

Feelings About Lejrskole

I feel super excited about going on my Lejrskole. The translation of Lejrskole is school camp...
I. AM. SO. EXCITED. Dead serious.
Uh ha! Woo, ye! So excited, cannot hide it! Aha! Yea!!!
Here is the plan for the 4 incredibly fun and completely awesome mega extreme exciting days: (sorry that it is in Danish... Hey, I can read it! :-D )

Programmet ser i grove træk således ud:

Mandag: ank ca. 15.15
Pakke ud
Kl. 16: badeland
Kl. 18: aftensmad
Kl. 19-20: stillestund
Kl. 20- 21: hyg i hyt

kl. 8: morgenmad
Kl. 10-13: Actiondag
Kl. 13.15 -14: frokost
Kl. 15-17: badeland
Kl. 18: aftensmad
Kl. 19-20; stillestund
Kl. 20-21: hyg i hyt

kl. 8: morgenmad
Kl. 10-13: bueskydning/forhindringsbane (halv klasse x 2)
Kl. 13: frokost
Kl. 14- 17: forhindringsbane/bueskydning     ( - II - )
Kl. 18: afskedsmiddag m. surprise
Kl. 19.30: bowling
Kl. 21-22: hyg i hyt

op og pakke
Kl. 8: morgenmad + smørre madpakker
Afgang …

There was a bus/ train problem. Here is the story:
Bitten was on the phone with a cranky lady telling her that our bus time changed and now because of the change of 9 minutes we, 25 students and 2 teachers, would have to wait for the next bus. The next bus is 2 hours later!!! The lady on the phone didn't care more or less. Because of her we had to miss going to water land. Good thing that my teacher was thinking... She hired a tour bus to bring us instead. Now we will be able to go to water land! After 7ish hours on bus and train... Good thing is that we get to see sights and we also get to take the train under the ocean!

I am just so SUPER excited!

Here is the link again to their website.

And off we go.....

Fun with Fussie

Saturday I had my 11th riding lesson. I biked out to the stables with my mom an my aunt. I wanted to ride on Fussie (sorry, not Faloosa...). She is so sweet and calm as well as strong and a bit stubborn.

I brushed her off and we got her saddled up. We took her into the riding house and I started walking her around. Bente then came in on Indiana. Indiana is an old military horse that she has had for 4 years. I think that he is 16 years old. Sofie was also there. She came after Bente and was riding on I-Nena, the horse that I rode on at the competition. We started off trotting around and then we worked on dressage patterns. We tried doing the combination from the competition. I couldn't remember it that well...

After that, Bente asked who wanted to gallop. That was such an easy question... YES! I got Fussie into gallop pretty quickly. SO FUN!!! After me, Sofie tried. It was her first time and I-Nena kept steering her head away. Bente asked Sofie if she wanted to try on Fussie hut Sofie didn't want to. Bente then asked me if I could try again. I did. It was even better then the time before. I did two whole circles!!! Sofie tried again after me. She did it very well! I was so proud of her!

When we were done galloping, Bente had us trot without steering! It was a lot of fun but then my horse almost ran into I-Nena ... 1 problem, you can't steer... :-)

After that, we walked outside and got to jump. That was also a lot of fun. I think that the class was even more fun when Bente rides with us as well and doesn't have to worry about selling horses.

Click, click! Off we go... We went trotting away from the stables and into the forest. AWESOME!!!
The walk was so much fun and it was the first time I got to do it without a leash.

When we got back, we cleaned off the three horses and their boxes. My mom and aunt wanted to go home and wash up, though I felt like staying a but longer. That's what I did. Sofie asked her mom if she could stay a bit longer too. She got permission and we started hanging out. We took the little Shetland pony out and pampered him. By the time we finished, he was so CUTE!!! We then asked Bente if we could take little Pinocchio out for a walk. She said yes, so we did. I thought that it was a lot of fun. Sofie and I got to know each other better and had fun "walking the dog sized pony".

Here is the link to Picasa web.

Halloween Party!

On Friday night, most of the kids in Klubben met up at Lynge Bytorv where all of the stores are. While everyone was arriving, Mom, Stella and me went into the stores and did some of the activities... At the library there was pumkin carving, in the "everything" store there was face painting, and outside the bicycle store, there was food, music, and a Viking show.

Almost aloof the kids were dressed up and some were hard to recognize. I saw my friends right away and we went around into the stores buying candy for the party. When they finally found some chocolate, we went back outside and lined up. We were going to walk through Lynge with torches. It was very dangerous, but it did turn out to be fun and very pretty.

When we got to Klubben, we threw all of our torches into a fireplace and went inside. Hobitten was fully decorated and there was already loud music. AWESOME! My friends and I first went over and got a drink then we sat down and "hygge os". Before we could do anything else, we were called out for a forest walk in the pitch dark and with only ONE torch to lead the way. We were all holding on to a rope. The first thing that I said was, "I am not in preschool!" Oh well! Later, I found out why we had the rope and then started appreciating it. There were people... Sorry, I'm not going to spoil it... Okay! Anyways, there were people jumping out from behind the trees. Remember that I was in the front of the line... One of the people started chasing us with a chainsaw. Man, I almost wet my pants! By the time the walk was over, I was shaking so bad and my throat was sore. Good that I wasn't the only one!

We finally got to let go of the rope and go inside. Good for us because it started raining. When we got in, we went over to the dance floor and began dancing. It turned out to be really fun. I think that it is a lot more fun when everyone has fun dancing and doesn't worry about how they dance or just dancing in general. After our little dance party, we went upstairs and bought some candy. Then back downstairs DANCE! Then walk around, talk, candy, dance, talk, water, dance... It was so much fun! At 10 o'clock, Mom came and picked me up. We went home and I told her all about the fun!

Link to Picasa here!

Back to School...

Yea. Back to school...
Ha ha! It wasn't really that bad... We went back to school after an awesome week of freedom. Danish for two hours, then English as well as class's time. In Danish, we mostly talked about our break and after that about the book that was due. "Den afrikanske forbandelse" by Kim Langer. A hard but eye opening book about the Danes buying and bringing slaves from the Gold Coast to the Virgin Islands. We also got a new student. He is okay nice. He comes from a place starting with B and is moving to Farum. That is all I know.
We ended the week with a math test Friday afternoon. This is a completely new type of test, which is different from any tests I have ever taken. The test adapts tasks to each student's academic level. as you are taking the test. If the student answers a question correctly, the questions gets harder. If a student answers incorrectly, the questions gets easier. The test is taken on the school's computers and are individual. The test is usually about 45 minutes. "Experience shows that many students experience the tests as more difficult than the other tests which they have been accustomed to."

Stella's Hyggehold:
In Stella's class they have hyggehold once a month. Hyggehold is a group of 4-5 kids that gets together to play outside school. Each month all 26 kids in her class gets mixed up so everyone gets to play with different kids each time they have hyggehold. This time it was Stella turn to organize hyggehold and she decided that they should play soccer.


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Copenhagen and Elephants

We went to Copenhagen. We didn't really have any plans, so my mom suggested a park in Frederiksberg. It's the park that she went to a lot when she lived in Frederiksberg. After the Copenhagen Zoo remodeled the elephant's house you are now able to view the elephants from the park. We took a nice walk to the elephants and ate our lunch. Perfect timing! All the elephants came out as we were eating. There were 4 adults and one baby. The adults seemed pretty bored- a couple were eating, and the other just standing bored. The baby, on the other hand, frolicked around like the world was the most wonderful place. He tried playing with his mother even though she kept walking away. Once, he even grabbed her tail. It was so cute!

After we were done enjoying the elephants and eating, we took the bus over to the Strøget, the main street of Copenhagen where all the stores are. We had fun looking around. Stella got her face painted. We also went to the Amber Museum and dug for amber in a sandbox at the House of Amber. We walked out to Statens Museum for Kunst / the Museum of Art. We had a lot of fun on weird swings and laid in a field of four-leaf clovers. We went back to downtown Copenhagen where we sat down and ate a pastry and got our "last ice cream of the year". Sure...
After the great day, we took bus and train home.

We had a fun and full fall break and are now getting ready for school tomorrow.

More Outdoor Fall Fun

We had so much fun playing with all the fall leaves...

Link here.

Frilandsmuseet - an Open Air Museum

My mom, Stella, my aunt and myself went with bus and train to Lyngby to see the Frilandsmuseet. Frilandsmuseet was established in 1897 and started modestly with a few buildings at the corner of King's Garden in Copenhagen. In 1901the square was too small and Frilandsmuseet's founder, Bernhard Olsen, bought 12 acres of land around the old Fuglevad Windmill in Sorgenfri/Lyngby.
Frilandsmuseet has a significant collection of the buildings from different periods and different regions of Denmark. The collection contains farms, houses, workshops, mills, shops and sheds.

They had, because of fall break, created a historical market, as it would have looked like in the 1800s, when people gathered to buy and sell and to be entertained by visiting performers. Booths and tents are made ​​from old drawings and paintings.
We walked around and went inside some of the old houses and farms. To add on to all of this magic and Danish history, there were farm animals walking around also- there were pigs and horses, geese and sheep! Stella and my eyes got the size of saucers...

Later after all the walking, we sat down and had a picnic with rugbrød and æbleskiver. It was very enjoyable. After we ate, we went over to the line for carriage rides. We got on!!! I had so much fun and was glad that I went!

More pictures at Picasa web.

Chestnuts, Chestnuts and more Chestnuts.........

Stella discovered chestnuts and went crazy!!! She and my mom was walking to the library when my mom showed her some chestnuts that had fallen from a tree. Stella thought they were so neat and decided to go back and pick more. She borrow a little yellow bucket from Mormor and off she went...she picked chestnuts for days. She quickly became known around Lynge as the girl with the little yellow bucket. She got invited into people's driveway to pick as many chestnuts as she wanted to and did she ever!

Fall Fun in the Queen's Backyard

We went to Fredensborg Slot. The palace by Lake Esrum in northern Zealand is the Queens and her husbands most frequently used residence in the spring and autumn months. The beautiful rooms and halls often form the setting for major state visits and royal events. 
The first parts of the palace were built in 1720–22 and it's gardens are some of Denmark’s biggest historic gardens. One part of the garden is the Nordmandsdalen. There are 70 sculptures, representing 60 Norwegian and 10 Faroese farmers, fishermen, women - it was very unusual for the time, to make sculptures of ordinary people. 
Last time we were in Denmark, we went to the castle and got to go on a tour inside. When we got there this time, I said to my mom, "I remember this place!"
We had a great time strolling around the lovely gardens and forest, seeing the leaves, old trees, lake and the castle. It was very quiet, peaceful and colorful. My mom is funny - she always says: "Enjoy the colors - it is like magic for your eyes, and make sure to listen the silence."

Picasa link here...

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Construction Zone

Yesterday, I felt so sad and lonely. I had so many feelings inside of me and I didn't know what was going on with me. I miss all of you in America and at the same time I love it here. I feel helpless that I have to ask for help with all of my homework - something I always just did on my own in America. I also have so many other strong feelings that is hard to explain. My mom told me that it is very normal for a girl my age to feel all these strong feelings. She said "It's like a construction zone - a big remodeling going on inside of you." I know that she wants me to keep on sharing and talking about my feelings but it can be hard when you're not quite sure how to explain yourself sometimes.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A Leisure Bareback Ride

For me there is no better way to start fall break than with a leisure bareback ride through the beautiful fall landscape, so Saturday I took Krymmel, this cute little stubborn horse, out for ride.

Picasa link here!

Friday, October 11, 2013


Today we had last day of school before fall break. We had "Motionsdag" (exercise day). It was a super fun day where students from all schools competed for most kilometers. We had 2 hours and had to choose between running, biking or riding your scooter. I chose to ride my bike with my friends. I biked 30 kilometers! Stella and my mom ran 8 kilometers each. Last year our school ran/biked a total of 9144 kilometers. This year we had a total of 9315 kilometers! Woo-hoo!!!

Have a safe and happy fall break!

My mom took a few pictures of Stella and her friends.

Stella warming up