Thursday, October 17, 2013

Construction Zone

Yesterday, I felt so sad and lonely. I had so many feelings inside of me and I didn't know what was going on with me. I miss all of you in America and at the same time I love it here. I feel helpless that I have to ask for help with all of my homework - something I always just did on my own in America. I also have so many other strong feelings that is hard to explain. My mom told me that it is very normal for a girl my age to feel all these strong feelings. She said "It's like a construction zone - a big remodeling going on inside of you." I know that she wants me to keep on sharing and talking about my feelings but it can be hard when you're not quite sure how to explain yourself sometimes.


  1. Danya, I think you explained it perfectly! Keep going, sharing, and growing. And just know that all of us here miss you tons.

  2. Good you are sharing your feelings even if you don't think you're fully expressing yourself. Let it out whatever it is. If not in words, then run and scream (outside of course, not in the house) or do jumping jacks or draw or paint. Just make sure it comes out. It takes a lot of guts to share your feelings sometimes and good for you for doing that. It's a good habit to harness that will serve you well into adulthood.

  3. Ditto Pia. Your feelings are what I've enjoyed about teaching grade 6: the unpretentious uncertainty, and the willingness to admit it. In grade 5, the kids are still kids. By grade 6, a transition has begun, physically and psychologically. Patience. Trust your mum.

  4. Thank you all for your suggestions!
