Monday, October 28, 2013

Fun with Fussie

Saturday I had my 11th riding lesson. I biked out to the stables with my mom an my aunt. I wanted to ride on Fussie (sorry, not Faloosa...). She is so sweet and calm as well as strong and a bit stubborn.

I brushed her off and we got her saddled up. We took her into the riding house and I started walking her around. Bente then came in on Indiana. Indiana is an old military horse that she has had for 4 years. I think that he is 16 years old. Sofie was also there. She came after Bente and was riding on I-Nena, the horse that I rode on at the competition. We started off trotting around and then we worked on dressage patterns. We tried doing the combination from the competition. I couldn't remember it that well...

After that, Bente asked who wanted to gallop. That was such an easy question... YES! I got Fussie into gallop pretty quickly. SO FUN!!! After me, Sofie tried. It was her first time and I-Nena kept steering her head away. Bente asked Sofie if she wanted to try on Fussie hut Sofie didn't want to. Bente then asked me if I could try again. I did. It was even better then the time before. I did two whole circles!!! Sofie tried again after me. She did it very well! I was so proud of her!

When we were done galloping, Bente had us trot without steering! It was a lot of fun but then my horse almost ran into I-Nena ... 1 problem, you can't steer... :-)

After that, we walked outside and got to jump. That was also a lot of fun. I think that the class was even more fun when Bente rides with us as well and doesn't have to worry about selling horses.

Click, click! Off we go... We went trotting away from the stables and into the forest. AWESOME!!!
The walk was so much fun and it was the first time I got to do it without a leash.

When we got back, we cleaned off the three horses and their boxes. My mom and aunt wanted to go home and wash up, though I felt like staying a but longer. That's what I did. Sofie asked her mom if she could stay a bit longer too. She got permission and we started hanging out. We took the little Shetland pony out and pampered him. By the time we finished, he was so CUTE!!! We then asked Bente if we could take little Pinocchio out for a walk. She said yes, so we did. I thought that it was a lot of fun. Sofie and I got to know each other better and had fun "walking the dog sized pony".

Here is the link to Picasa web.

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