Monday, February 24, 2014


We woke up early on Thursday to go to Jutland to visit my mom's friend, Mette, her husband, Peter, and Bob Marley. We drove to Allerød, took the train into Copenhagen and then got on a bus. It was nice and warm and it was easy to settle in and count the 3 hours until we were there. We were all very excited. I read my book and Stella was on the iPad. Mom slept and looked out the window. Mom and Mette have known each other for over 30 years. They have gotten together a couple times during our year here but haven't caught up all that much. Mette had just gotten a new house about a year ago, and designed it herself. The past times that we had visited her over the years was at her old house. We would stay for a while and go to Legoland. This time was different. We hug out and went "sightseeing" as well as visiting some of Mette's family. When we arrived, Mette picked us us and took us to her house. We chatted for a while and then ate dinner. When dinner was done, we caught up a bit more and then went over to some mutual friends, Finn and Dyna. These are friends that we have gotten to know through Mette and Peter when they all came and stayed with us one Christmas in California.

The second day here was a bit of an adventure day. We woke up and ate breakfast and before we went "sightseeing", we went and picked up Mette's niece. She is thirteen and in 6th grade. Emilie, Mette's niece, is also very nice and cool enough, goes to an art school.
We went to the Jelling stones, Egtved (where the Egtvedpigen was found), walked around in the Engelsholm Castle garden, went and saw some Robert Jacobsen sculptures, and looked around in Bindeballe Kømandsgård. The day was a bunch of fun and it was great to have spend it with close friends.

The next day we hung out and chillaxed. Later in the day, we went over to Mette's mother's house and got Bob Marley, the dog. Mette's mother has lived in that house since Mette was a little girl and it was cool to see how it was full of beautiful antique furniture and cabinets. We had some soda and homemade pastries over there and had a good time. When we got home, we got to see Bob Marley do a couple of tricks, and as I helped make dinner, he begged successfully getting the vegetables he wished for.

Sunday afternoon it was time to leave after our great visit. We enjoyed the day, and when it was time to go, we had said a good farewell. Mom and I both had a very hard time leaving and by having that experience, we started to think about how hard it will be leaving Denmark and our family and friends here.

Pictures from our trip to Jutland here.


  1. What a lovely trip! Looking at the photos in that tiny grocery, it reminded me to ask you a favor. I'll email you. So, what did you cook for dinner...when Bob Marley begged for some veggies?

    1. We made homemade burgers, with bell pepers and a lot of yummy things...

  2. I wanna go, I wanna go, I wanna . . . enough Spedding, calm down!
