Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Dentist

We went to our school tandlæge/dentist today. Most children in Denmark have deltal exams at school. Many schools have dentists assigned to thier schools, who help teach how to take care of the teeth and do routine exams. All dental care for children under the age of 18 is free. I left my first aid class to go up and meet with my family to get my teeth checked. I was first... *dun, dun, dun* They all watched me. Turns out that my teeth were fine. They took me over to another room and showed me how to brush my back teeth. That's all! That wasn't that hard, which was good. Stella's turn. She didn't get as good results, but still pretty good. I think that we've been getting too many pastries. :-)

1 comment:

  1. It's hard to take a flattering picture during a visit to the dentist. Mom points her camera and says, Smile!, and you say, Klamon, maghm, duw yup haf tu takh ma phipur reigft naw?!
