Last week was over filled with so many emotions - good and bad. As I said before, I feel brown. The adjustment to moving here and not seeing my dad, my aunt and uncles, my grandparents and all of you wonderful friends has been very hard, but I think the adjustment to school has been easier than I thought it would be. Writing this post right now is very hard for me because of all the emotions, but I hope you like it...
Here is my schedule: (x2= 2hrs.)
Monday: Danish x2, English x2, Class hour
Tuesday: History x2, Math, Danish, Music x2, English
Wednesday: Religion, Danish, Math x2, PE
Thursday: Handwork (sewing, knitting) x2, Wood work x2, Danish, History
Friday: Danish x2, Science x2, English, Math
First Day of School:
We got to school on the first day, all with bellies full of butterflies. we first went to the office to see if we could meet my teacher, Bitten. A couple minutes later, she came in and introduced herself and told me about the class. She seemed nice. We went to Stella's class and back to mine taking loads of pictures... Here are the bullet points I have from my day:
- Day was so short and not very strict, it didn't feel like we even went to school
- So nervous at the beginning of the day I felt like puking
- As the day went by I felt less and less nervous (still feel nervous, though)
- Want so much to learn Danish quickly
- I questioned myself - do they judge me? - and answered - no.
- Danish kids aren't as academically strong as American kids and everyone is into hanging out: How should I act?
- I didn't raise my hand because I felt embarrassed speaking, counting, or reading aloud in Danish
- I want to skip all the hard things during the year and have things go perfectly, but I know that won't happen...
- Sometimes I want to turn invisible
- Didn't like when the kids asked me questions about myself
- Scared
- All the kids and teachers were warm and welcoming to me
Pictures at
Picasa web.
Second Day of School:
I arrived at school the second day, nervous but also excited for this new challenge awaiting me at the door of my classroom.
- Great day today!
- Danish improving: Reading, counting and speaking (help from my mom's old music teacher, Randi)
- Friends were even more welcoming and inclusive
- Everyone is so supportive and willing to help me
- Love this school more and more
- Barely any homework (and when there is, it is very easy because I already did it in 5th grade... I am age wise in 6th grade but academic wise in 7th or 8th grade)
- Made a few new BFFs named Ellen, Camilla, and Solveig and more.
- Fun new games I learned
- In English class, everyone was so surprised how well I spoke English ("Wow, you're really good at speaking English!")
- After school, went to go checkout the club for 6th graders
Third Day of School:
The third day I was feeling similar to the days above, and very excited for the first PE class. By Wednesday, most of all the girls made friends with me and the routine was feeling even more normal by each day. I can't believe that getting used to a new school took so short of time (I was even excited to go to this new school by Wednesday!)
Fourth Day of School:
Thursdays are the most fun day of the week you can find out why by looking at this schedule....
Thursday: Handwork (sewing, knitting) x2, Wood work x2, Danish, History
4 hours of FUN!!! The boys and the girls are split up for Handwork, woodwork and cooking. Halfway through the year, we will switch with the boys and do 4 hours of cooking- yea! FYI: School here is super easy and short, so my mom won't blame me if it takes me a while to catch up for 7th grade when I get back to California.
Fifth Day of School:
School not so bad.
Had a fun week.
After school, I went to the 6th grade club with Camilla and Tesha. We had lots of fun and about 3 hours later, Camilla's dad picked us up and took us to the Circus...