Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I got a profile picture! Here it is (cover up the bottom half):
Hope you like it...

Good inspiration! So let me tell you a little bit about my life and feeling so far...
Yea for me! I read the above like this "Lifei snow here". Good enough... ;-)
I am feeling quite a bit homesick at nights and sometimes throughout the day, but my mom or my self will always tell me- we're only here for a year with less than 10 whole months left so lets keep treasure every moment! Now that I'm in school, time can change from very fast to very slow from time to time.
Clarification: My teacher's name is spelled Bitten but it is pronounced like beaten/ bidden (Bee- din).
Also, I can understand both languages very well, but when someone tells me something I sometimes can't remember if it was in English or Danish... Oh well! I also find that I'm starting to think more in Danish and even talk to my mom more in Danish....;-)

Viking Market

I went to the National Museum with my family to see the Viking exhibit! It was loads of fun. We went through the market, went inside, got warrior training (yea, that's right. You should be afraid 'cause when I come back, you're going down Viking style... ;-) ), made a Viking necklace with the sign of Odin's hammer, watched a Viking play, went on 2 Viking ships (see more information on one of the ships "Havhingsten / Sea Stallion" below) and then went home.

On the way over to the museum, through the Viking market, we saw many cool and interesting things that you probably wouldn't see in America. There were handmade Viking pins and clasps, hand carved chairs and benches (made with Viking tools), and many different kinds of furs. They had a Viking tattoo parlor (don't worry, I was gross out and completely not interested), and Viking hotdogs (that was something I was interested in...), and owls and falcons that you could hold. The Viking ships were a ways away, but we did go to them and got to take some pictures. It started to rain, so we went back inside where we then began Warrior training.

Warrior Training:
Two words... Oh yea!
Difficult, but fun we went through the long and harsh years on the battle field waiting for our own moment of bravery and heroicness to come... Not! Lucky me, I got the biggest, safest, most heaviest shield they had. AND at the final battle, a little boy stuck me in the incorrect spot, but I was still considered "dead". Gurrr! Other than that, I had a great time. Beat my sister twice, and saw my evil opponent (the kid who "killed" me) "die" in battle. Good times!

Later that day we went into the main hall to see a "Viking" play. the play part of it was that they faked dying, otherwise it was a bunch of tough looking grownups fighting.

I enjoyed the last part of the day the best! We went into the Viking exhibit in the National Museum. They had thing that were so old that they looked so delicate that a single touch could destroy them. There were swords and helmets and jewelry and even some of the tools they used. While we went through the exhibit, Stella and I played a game on their computers if we were a Viking or not. Surprise! We are Vikings!
Right in the middle of the exhibit, their was a huge Viking ship over 65 of my paises long!

We left after a great day!
Link to Picasa web.

Information on "Havhingsten / Sea Stallion":

Havhingsten fra Glendalough (Sea Stallion from Glendalough) is a Danish reconstruction of Skuldelev 2. The original ship was build around 1042 near Dublin. The original ship was build with oak from Glendalough, Ireland, therefor the ship's name. The reconstruction was built at the Viking Museum in Denmark from 2000 to 2004. It is a reconstruction of the second longest Viking ship that currently is found. It is used for research.
A return journey to Dublin took place over the Summer of 2007. The ship left Roskilde Harbor, Denmark, on July 1 and arrived in Dublin on August 14.

Infographic, BBC
1. The crew of 65 men and women slept on the open deck, as the Vikings did, and took turn keeping watch
2. Satellite navigation equipment made sure the ship stayed on course. Vikings had to rely on the position of the sun and stars, the color and movement of the sea and wind direction
3. Oak planks were cut radially for maximum strength, overlapped and nailed together. Axes and other tools used to make the planks were replicas of those used by the Vikings
4. The sail, mast, rigging and rudder on the original were missing so these have been copied from other finds
5. Shields, vital in battle, were tied over the oar ports when the ship was in port

Week 2!!!

I can't believe that I survived this long... JK! I love it here... I don't feel much like a middle schooler but more like a 6th grader. I actually don't really even think about my grade at all!

I went to school and had 4 hours of language. Danish isn't too hard and English is a breeze! We don't really learn about the colors and body parts like we did in ISM Spanish, but we also learn about the history of different countries such as Scotland. I find it quite interesting and a bit funny with their Danish accents! During classes, I go into the library with Randi where I practice my reading and writing skills. Unfortunately Randi is retiring in 2 weeks so I had better learn quickly...

I went to school for the "long day" of the week. Here are bullet points from the day:
  • In history, wandered off for a while talking about the biggest container ship parked in Copenhagen
  • Played for a while in music
  • Barely any homework
  • School is very easy and they don't seem to take school as seriously
  • Went to Solveig's riding class to watch with Ellen and Amalia
  • Lots of fun!
Just wondering if any of you guys have Skype... Tell me yours or I'll tell you mine by email. It would be great to talk to you face to face!

Info- not such a fun day. I was home from school with asthma problems. When I had my mom go in and turn in my homework, they wouldn't accept it until I was feeling better.

  • So I went back to school
  • After school I biked to the place that I go horseback riding
  • I saw "No Named Horse" (Bente can't remember the name...)
  • Stella bicycled to a birthday party instead with a few of her new friends

  • days getting better
  • Friday: Danish x2, Science x2, English, Math
  • Friday schedule might look like an urg! schedule, but it is actually a fun day!
  • In science, I won an airplane contest for the second time... Cool airplane design here. Kind of blurry and not best video (hard to follow) but it still is informational.
  • On Fridays in English, we play a game where we have to fill in the words to a song while it is being played (you have a sheet with most of the lyrics)
  • After school I went to 6th Grade Club and then a fair
  • I feel like I'm fitting in more and more

6th Grade Club:
I had a special request to talk more about the 6th grade club. First of all I want to say that over here in Denmark it is called "Klubben" (pronounced kloo- ben). Here are some facts about Klubben that you might find interesting:
  • Grades k-3 are in what's called SFO
  • SFO is where Stella goes for most of the year, but then at the very end she switches to Klubben
  • SFO costs more because it is "all provided" or something like that
  • The sixth graders have their own room that any 5th graders and lower aren't allowed to come in
  • The kids in Klubben aren't allowed to go into the little kids room
  • There are snack at around 3 o'clock for kids in Klubben and earlier for SFO kids
  • Outside there is a playground, soccer field, basketball court, place to park bikes, a wooden cabin and a deck.
  • The Klubben/ SFO building is called Hobitten (pronounced with a long O)
  • In the 6th grade room, there is a large projector with a Blu-ray box connected to watch movies
  • 5 comfy sofas
  • 2 large windows
  • AND an outlet for music with a loud boom box
  • Stella's SFO room has a lot of crafty things from beads to markers
  • There is a cafeteria with a few benches and a living room
  • There is also a kitchen with cool kitchen tools

On Saturday, I didn't go to horseback riding but to a free outdoor concert, in Copenhagen, with ballet/opera all performed by the Royal Theatre.


Monday, August 26, 2013


I went to the circus with Camilla, her sister, and her dad! It was huge with animals and talented performers including clowns, a very flexible lady and more. There was also a live orchestra/ band!

Camilla's dad picked us up from 6th grade club and we went to their house where we played, hung out and ate dinner together. After dinner, we bicycled to the circus where we met up with a couple other friends. As we were talking, I noticed a huge elephant with kids riding it. Camilla noticed it too and asked her dad if we could ride on it... SCORE!
I rode an elephant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (pictures hopefully to come form Camilla's dad- didn't have a camera or my mom with me to take pictures... Sorry! D-: )

We then settled down with our candy and watched the show. There were tightrope walkers, salsa dancers, little ponies, sled dogs, three kids flipping, two comedian dancers, a SUPER flexible lady, a clown, the horse trainer with his horses and quite a few more. Flipps, jokes, horses trotting, people dancing, music playing- wow, it was all so magical.

I'm sorry but I can't remember the acts specifically or the order, so I am just going to try my best...

Tightrope Walking:
There were two men in really cool glow-in-the-dark costumes who crawled up to the tightrope. They first warmed up by walking back and fourth and then later on started dancing. After the dancing came the jump roping and in this part one man fell of the tightrope! *insert scary music...*
Don't worry too much, it was just a false alarm. I mean he did fall but saved himself by grabbing onto the rope. Did I mention that there was no net under and it was about 10 or so meters high!

Clown and His Ponies:
The first thing that happened in this act was the clown driving in on his motorcycle with a small white pony in the passenger side seat. Crack up! There was a trailer in the back with supposedly "2" more ponies in it. The clown opened up the trailer and out came 2 little black ponies. The clown got the 3 little pony to start prancing around him and the next thing you know is another white pony come walking out of the trailer and so on and so fourth. I think you get the idea. By the 9th little black/white pony everyone was on the ground (not really) cracking up... So CUTE! Then (drumroll please) a (keep it going) donkey came out, but unlike the others it did not want to join the prancing little circle, but instead preferred to eat. Later the clown got him into the circle managing not to get hurt even while all the nee-ha and kicking were going on (not!).

Dressage Horses and Salsa Lady:
On came the Salsa Lady in her bright red outfit stamping her way, powerfully, through. She danced very well and with much power and sharpness- I was proud to see a lady doing it. About an 8th way through, 3 white dressage hoses cam in and began circling her while dancing as well. Thy went sideways and backwards lifting their muscle hard legs, gracefully, as they did so. There way turning and standing on 2 legs and much more that I wish you could have also seen.

There was also these acts (please send me and email if you want to hear about a specific one):
  • Entrance of the clown
  • Flexible lady
  • Arial Silk
  • Flipping boys
  • White horses
  • Husky dogs
  • Elephant act
  • Comedian dancers
  • Clown and his pony
  • More... Can't remember the names right now
FYI: My email is still imabunhead@icloud.com. If you think that I don't have your email, please tell me. I want more than anything to stay in touch with you all!


Sunday, August 18, 2013

First Week of School . . .

Last week was over filled with so many emotions - good and bad. As I said before, I feel brown. The adjustment to moving here and not seeing my dad, my aunt and uncles, my grandparents and all of you wonderful friends has been very hard, but I think the adjustment to school has been easier than I thought it would be. Writing this post right now is very hard for me because of all the emotions, but I hope you like it...

Here is my schedule: (x2= 2hrs.)

Monday: Danish x2, English x2, Class hour

Tuesday: History x2, Math, Danish, Music x2, English

Wednesday: Religion, Danish, Math x2, PE

Thursday: Handwork (sewing, knitting) x2, Wood work x2, Danish, History

Friday: Danish x2, Science x2, English, Math

First Day of School:
We got to school on the first day, all with bellies full of butterflies. we first went to the office to see if we could meet my teacher, Bitten. A couple minutes later, she came in and introduced herself and told me about the class. She seemed nice. We went to Stella's class and back to mine taking loads of pictures... Here are the bullet points I have from my day:
  • Day was so short and not very strict, it didn't feel like we even went to school
  • So nervous at the beginning of the day I felt like puking
  • As the day went by I felt less and less nervous (still feel nervous, though)
  • Want so much to learn Danish quickly
  • I questioned myself - do they judge me? - and answered - no.
  • Danish kids aren't as academically strong as American kids and everyone is into hanging out: How should I act?
  • I didn't raise my hand because I felt embarrassed speaking, counting, or reading aloud in Danish
  • I want to skip all the hard things during the year and have things go perfectly, but I know that won't happen...
  • Sometimes I want to turn invisible
  • Didn't like when the kids asked me questions about myself
  • Scared
  • All the kids and teachers were warm and welcoming to me
Pictures at Picasa web.

Second Day of School:
I arrived at school the second day, nervous but also excited for this new challenge awaiting me at the door of my classroom.
  • Great day today!
  • Danish improving: Reading, counting and speaking (help from my mom's old music teacher, Randi)
  • Friends were even more welcoming and inclusive
  • Everyone is so supportive and willing to help me
  • Love this school more and more
  • Barely any homework (and when there is, it is very easy because I already did it in 5th grade... I am age wise in 6th grade but academic wise in 7th or 8th grade)
  • Made a few new BFFs named Ellen, Camilla, and Solveig and more.
  • Fun new games I learned
  • In English class, everyone was so surprised how well I spoke English ("Wow, you're really good at speaking English!")
  • After school, went to go checkout the club for 6th graders 

Third Day of School:
The third day I was feeling similar to the days above, and very excited for the first PE class. By Wednesday, most of all the girls made friends with me and the routine was feeling even more normal by each day. I can't believe that getting used to a new school took so short of time (I was even excited to go to this new school by Wednesday!)

Fourth Day of School:
Thursdays are the most fun day of the week you can find out why by looking at this schedule....

Thursday: Handwork (sewing, knitting) x2, Wood work x2, Danish, History

4 hours of FUN!!! The boys and the girls are split up for Handwork, woodwork and cooking. Halfway through the year, we will switch with the boys and do 4 hours of cooking- yea! FYI: School here is super easy and short, so my mom won't blame me if it takes me a while to catch up for 7th grade when I get back to California.

Fifth Day of School:
School not so bad.
Had a fun week.
After school, I went to the 6th grade club with Camilla and Tesha. We had lots of fun and about 3 hours later, Camilla's dad picked us up and took us to the Circus...

Sunday, August 11, 2013

School Today!!!

I will be going to my new school today (in a few minutes). As I said before, here are my thoughts...

(nails grabbing onto the floor as my mom drags me to school)

I am here eating breakfast with a butterfly filled belly thinking over my decision. I know it will come out to be a great one, but currently I have second thoughts. Have you very felt as if fear overcomes you? I don't know if I'm worried about people judging me or how I will do grade wise.

I guess I have no choice but to jump into it...
1, 2, 3, here we go......


We went to go see Disney's Aladdin at the royal opera house in Copenhagen. The opera house is so impressive and beautiful it makes you speechless.
Here are links to videos of the process of making Aladdin in Denmark:

The play was more than amazing, fantastic and "wow... OMG!" all combined. I loved it and I had the same feeling as at Tivoli like nothing could stop me. I loved the play so much! The characters were all so creative and funny. I think that my favorite character was the genie. At points of the play, he would sing a modern song. For example, as he was turning Aladdin into Prince Ali, we said, "Sorry but you are not Justin Bieber" and then he started singing Baby... Another time he was leaving the stage and he started singing "Here's my number so call me genie" and later "Opa Genie Style". I was cracking up...

More pictures at Picasa web.

Danish Dance Theatre

I went with my family and Tine's family to go see summer dance preformed by the Danish Dance Theatre. They do modern dance to most modern music. I really enjoyed how they used different movements for different sounds. It is amazing how they can move their bodies! The Danish Dance Theatre is Denmark's largest most price winning modern dance company. They performed at the Police Headquarters in Copenhagen, which is a stunning building and normally closed to the public.
I hope to go see another performance that they are doing in October. It's a performance danced by children, for children, based on the classic story "The Red Balloon". There is also a performance in October called "Red" which is choreographed for Nederland's Dance Theater (one of MSped's favorite dance theatres)  by the Swedish choreographer Orjan Andersson.

More pictures at Picasa web.


Tivoli! My favorite amusement park in the world! Gorgeous setup and awesome rides. I went with my mom, sister, aunt and grandmother, but did all the "scary" rides by myself. We came at noon and left at midnight which I felt was the perfect amount of time and at the right times. We saw a beautiful light show and walked around seeing all the pretty lights. There is one ride, that was closed almost al day because of being too windy, that I went on at night. It is like the mushroom at Gilroy gardens but about 5 times higher. I went on it at night and it was so beautiful. I felt like nothing could stop me as I saw the sparkling Copenhagen from above. So wonderful. So simple.

Later that night we went to the theatre in Tivoli to see one of H.C Andersen's stories being preformed by the Danish Royal Ballet. It was an amazing performance with very creative and colorful costumes designed by the Queen of Denmark. I wished that it could of been longer, it was so good!

We went home that night to a nice, warm house with a restful sleep awaiting. What a great day!

More pictures at Picasa web.

"Gade Teater Fesitval"

We went to the "Gade Teater Festival" in Helsingør to see some street performances. All were well practiced and done with talent, though there was some that I enjoyed more than others. The first one we saw, was called Mable and Billie. It was originally preformed in America. I thought that it was very cute and incredibly funny and talented as well as practiced both Mable and Billie had colorful wigs, outfits and makeup that improved the act even more.

The next one that we went to was a bit dramatic and I did not like the story or message that was sent out. I know that it was based on realistic things, but I felt frightened and scared when I saw it. I think that it took a lot of talent to preform and it was well preformed though I suggest that they shouldn't put it on the kids list for the "Gade Teater Fesitval". 
After that performance, we went to see a magician. It was very funny and the magician involved the audience (and spoke Australian English) which made it even better! A couple times, he would go out and scare some people passing by and twice he took someone's cigarette and smushed it on the ground! At the end he went into a small box and had someone poke sticks into the holes while he was inside! 

After that, we went to a French play based on a retirement home (sounds pretty exciting... ; D). I don't think that it was very good... While the retirement home based play was going on, there were monkey looking people walking by chained up with police around them... Cool! We left the play and went over to see what was going on. There was a huge cage with the monkey looking people inside. They were acting like monkeys. I thought that it was pretty wired that people would dress up like monkeys and go into a cage and act like monkeys for 180 minutes. That's just my opinion. 

After that interesting monkey exhibit, we went over to a hoopla hoop show. The lady preforming was  from Australia and she was very talented. She was also very funny and entertaining. Throughout the show, she gave out flowers to the people who "clapped the best". The last person that she gave flowers to was a man and while doing that, she asked him to help her by holding up a golden hoola hoop ring on one knee. Next thing you know you hear, "I do!" She cracked everyone up by getting married and joking around with her new "husband".

The last two things that we saw were at the same theatre. One was a magician and the other was the "incredible gummy man". We just saw the end of the magician act and it was really good by being well practiced and mysterious. After that awesome performance, we saw "the incredible gummy man"- that was pretty incredible (mostly by being gross). He would bend in very disturbing ways and also cuss a lot. The act was outright disgusting and when people laughed at him falling over I felt bad for him. 
  We left when the "incredible gummy man" was done getting 2 empty tenis rackets off his body. On the way home, my mom's friend, Mete, called. She asked if we were available to come and visit in Copenhagen. That's what we did and it turned out to be a very nice day. 

More pictures at Picasa web.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Feelings About School

(nails grabbing onto the floor as my mom drags me to school)

From above you could probably guess that I am more than scared. Thoughts?
a) An alien has invaded my soul
b) I am not Danya anymore
c) I am really, super freaked out of going to a totally new school in a totally different country

I am very surprised by my feelings. When I was at ISM, even just starting there in kindergarten, I was always more than excited going to school on the first day back.

All that I hope for is that I make a good first impression on my teacher and classmates and I get a bunch of good friends, like in America, and that my Danish will improve quickly once school starts.

(I'm crossing my fingers and doing yoga to soothe the butterflies)


In Denmark they mainly grow four species of grain; rye, wheat, barley and oats. All four grains derived from wild species in the Middle East and has been cultivated for thousands of years.

Rye is described as a hardy plant that better, than other grains, can succeed in poor soil. Denmark is usually self-sufficient in the production of rye flour and it also has a fairly large export.

Wheat is the highest performance among the grains. The ability to survive in frost and cold is usually worst in varieties from English and southern European origin, while Swedish and North German varieties are more cold resistance. All wheat varieties are suitable for animal feeding, but only a small part has properties which make it suitable for flour milling and for flour suitable for making bread. The spring wheat is generally better for bread than winter wheat.

Barley is one of the oldest grains and has probably been grown from before 5000 BC. In Denmark they grow two barley sorts: spring barley sown in the spring, as it does not survive the winter, and winter barley, which are sown in the autumn. The winter barley is harvested early - usually in July - and leaves plenty of time for the soil for the next crop.

Oats grown in Denmark are primarily used for animal feed, especially for horses, and only a small part is processed into grits.


More Horseback Riding!

From the title you can tell that I did some more horseback riding...

I went back Thursday for not the best experience. Bente was busy selling a horse to a couple of ladies. Instead of being unsupervised, we had another family who are very good with horses (they come a lot because they are looking into buying a horse). We mostly walked around and learned to turn both ways and back up. I had a good enough time though the biggest problem was the horse (actually both of the horses). The first horse I had for about 3/4 of the time was the same one as the first horse riding lesson I had. His name is Sofus. He behaved very well the first time and we believed that it was because Bente was there, but this time he was pulling his head down a lot. After getting lots of books about horses from the library we learned that his head pulling (which we thought was misbehaving) is a genetic inheritance.
The last 1/4 of the lesson I had to switch horses because Bente was in need of Sofus. I think she treats him like a favorite horse and at first I thought that he was Bente's own. This time I got little horse. When he trots it was very difficult to find the tempo because of his incredibly large steps judging from a horse his size.
I believed that day was a bit of a challenge but how can someone grow if they aren't challenged?

Saturday was a lot of fun! I picked a different horse and I learned that you can get first pick if you come early... (Oh yea!)
I got a horse called Prince and I found him to be a handsome and sweet horse. He did stop at random times, but that was probably my fault. He was pretty fast and didn't do the head nodding.
I am glad I went back and the reason that I did was because I didn't want to have a bad memory of horse riding. There's a saying that goes like this, " if you fall of the horse, just get right back on." I'm very glad that I did.

Picasa link here.

Mr. Spedding's Questions

How is the fashion different in Denmark?
It is different because of the seasons; in summer there are a lot of booty short (super short shorts) and fall with pants, converse and skinny jeans. I know that is very similar to the American style, but in Denmark it is more judgmental. You almost feel that you have to wear what's in and discard your clothes that aren't. I feel that there are a lot of colors and noticed that dark green is in (as well a combat boots- which I found very strange). I also found a very ridiculously high number of Justin Bieber, One Direction and New York shirts for girls. To answer a question that might be on your mind; no, I would never where one of those three choices of shirts - not to be offensive, this is just my opinion... I am who I am and that's that.

Do you find that your taste is changing?
I can't really answer this question until I get to learn the fashion for my age better. I will go shopping when school starts (less than 1 week - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!).

More color / Less color?
Don't know yet... Still deciding. Definitely compared to the uniforms that I use to wear (don't tell anyone, but I already miss uniforms. They aren't very cute, but they are definitely comfortable and easy).

Are you perceived as American tourists, or Danish residents?
When people hear me speak in English then I am perceived as an American tourist. I think that when school starts, my Danish will improve 99% and then I hope I will be considered a Danish citizen.

Are people surprised when they learn your from the States?
Some, yes. But I haven't even started with the introductions yet. In school it will be:
"Hi, my name is Danya and I'm from California"
From then on I'd be totally popular and cool!
Just kidding- though it may happen... ;-)

Copenhagen. How long is the train ride from Lynge?
It takes about 45 minutes to travel from Lynge to Copenhagen. There are no trains from Lynge, only busses. So to go to Copenhagen you have to take a bus from Lynge to Allerød and then a train from there. The only problem with trains compared to busses is that trains stop at EVERY SINGLE STATION!!! It is a great way to travel though and it's fun to watch people use busses and trains as their everyday transportation. Some people even bike to the station and bring their bike on the train and then continue to bike after they get off the train.

Picasa Web

I love Picasa web! It has been working very well for me. Here is a link for a bunch of awesome pictures taken by my mom... Thank you, Mom!

Tine (pronounced Tina)

Tine is one of my mom's oldest friends. She has 2 daughters, the younger one is now Stella and my friend. Tine just bought a new huge house with her boyfriend and we have been visiting them quite a lot. The first time we went was for Tine's birthday and that is when we decided to meet every Wednesday to do creative things (well mostly just for the kids while Tine and my mom hang out...). The last time we went, we cooked a meal, enjoyed it, and then went on a walk to the ocean. We went out pretty far as you can see in this picture:

... and then we sat down! It was so shallow that day, but also very cold from being late. (I don't think that in this picture you can tell, but it was about 9:30pm - love those long summer nights!)

On Wednesday, we are going to see the Danish Dance Theater with Tine, her family, and my family including grandmother and aunt. It takes place at the Police Headquarters in Copenhagen. Can't wait! I think it's going to be exciting.

Here is the link to their website:

Here are some links to videos: