Monday, July 22, 2013

Den Blå Planet

We just went to Den Blå Planet, the new aquarium in Denmark. It is designed in a way that sweeps you into the aquarium like a vortex. It is the largest aquariums in Northern Europa with more than 20,000 animals and seven million liter water. The second that I saw it I knew that I would be amazed. It's funny how some things do that to you.

For more pictures, go to Picasa web.


  1. I need to see this! I'm interested in how the waters around Denmark are similar to/different from the ecology here. Is this the same aquarium where Miss Bene's husband might have been working? Hopefully, it's open in December.

    1. You are in luck! The aquarium is open everyday of the year and I was planning to take you...

    2. Correct! This is the aquarium that Ms. Bene's husband would have worked at.
